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God's Perfect Timing

New Hope is a nonprofit organization. Right now we function solely on the generosity of volunteers' time, money, and effort. God has provided the right people at the right time. We have seen this countless times since New Hope has started. Financial donations were given when we needed money to make payments. Willing hands and open schedules helped clean up the campus of New hope. Machinery and operators were available right when we started putting up the Chapel. Campers signed up for our first week of camp last summer as we started making plans of programming. The list could go on of God's perfect timing.

You know what you can give. Maybe it's a financial donation to support summer staff. Maybe it's an afternoon of your time to clean the facility for the next event. Maybe it's volunteering a few days of your summer to help as a counselor. We can use each person and their giving hearts, however it may be!


Whenever you're ready, we are! Check out our online giving, volunteer opportunities, or contact info for any questions.